Hafiz Furqan Raza at Darul Uloom Pretoria

Hafiz Furqan Raza visited the Pretoria Islamic Educational Centre on the 31st January 2015 – and this was not the first time he had been here.
Having completed his Hifz course at the institute, over a decade ago, this was Hafiz Furqans first time back at the place he once called home. He was greated with tremendous joy by his techer Qari Noor Alam and showed utmost respect in return.
After a beautiful Qiraat by Rayhaan Mustafa Rehman (a student at the institute) and a melodious Naat by Moulana Mehboob-ur-Rehman (a recent graduate of the institute), the master of ceremony, Azhar Ahamad Ali (another student of the institute) called upon Moulana Shoabe Vali (another graduate of the institute) to introduce the Naat Reciter to the students.Hafiz Furqan then began by thanking and congratulating the principal, deputy principal, his Ustadh and all the other role players at the institute. Despite a long tour filled with recitations all around the province and a sore throat, he rendered the praises of the most beloved of Allah Almighty in an excellent manner and with heart and soul.
The students and local community were completely involved and requsted him to read Naat after Naat. This was followed by the recitation of Manaqib, Salatus Salaam in the court of Nabi Mohammad SAW and a final Dua.
Hafiz Furqan Raza is presented with the albums produced by the Darul Uloom Pretoria. Presented by his Ustadh Qari Noor Alam.