
November 23, 2015

Annual Graduation of Ulama & Huffaz 2015

Graduates & Scholars on stage from around the world at Darul Uloom Pretorias' Annual Graduation 2015

The Pretoria Islamic Educational Centre, Darul Uloom Pretoria hosted its Annual Graduation Ceremony of Ulama and Huffaz on the 22nd November 2015 at the Laudium Community Centre.

A large number of the local community joined many of the institutes former graduates, students, educators and a host of local and international scholars and dignitaries at the event.

Darul Uloom Pretoria Graduation 2015

A capacity crowd attended this annual event.

Darul Uloom Pretoria Graduation 2015

A large number of local and international scholars were present.

The programme began with renditions of Hamd of Allah and praises of His beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam by young students of the part-time Madressa.

Moulana Sarfaraz Rahmatullah then conducted an Islamic quiz that tested the general Islamic knowledge of the young students.

Certificates were then presented to those students who had successfully completed their Al Azhar exams that were written through the Al Azhar University of Egypt. These were presented to the students by the lecturers at Darul Uloom Pretoria that have been assigned by the university.

Hereafter, the audience were addressed by Hazrat Allama Peer Sayed Muzamil Hussain Shah Saheb, a guest from the United Kingdom. His eminence spoke about the historical importance of knowledge.

The hard working educators of the institute were presented to the audience ahead of the graduation ceremony. The large crowd rose in respect and acknowledgement of the extraordinary work done by the dedicated teachers of Darul Uloom Pretoria.

Darul Uloom Pretoria Graduation 2015

The dedicated educators of the insitute that make everything possible.

‎The graduation of Ulama and Huffaz then took place after the presentation of the teachers and was officiated by the deputy principal Hafiz Ismail Hazarvi. The following Huffaaz graduated this year:

  • Hafiz Ahmed Bemath (South Africa)
  • Hafiz Twaha Bakali (Zimbabwe)
  • Hafiz Mohammed Ali Mthembu (South Africa)
  • Hafiz Mubin Ashfak (England)

Darul Uloom Pretoria Graduation 2015

The graduating Huffaz of 2015

The following Ulama have graduated:

  • Moulana Faruk Josè (Mozambique)
  • Moulana Altaf Fayzoo (South Africa)
  • Moulana Abdul Malik Lesebe (Lesotho)
  • Moulana Muhammad Ahmed Ali (Malawi)
  • Moulana Ali Bemath (South Africa)
  • Moulana Habibullah Mogododiseng (South Africa)
  • Moulana Tanvir Ghanchi (India)
  • Moulana Ali Faquira Trinta (Malawi)

    These newly graduated Ulama and Huffaaz are from local cities as well as different parts of the world. After obtaining their certificates from the institute, they will leave to serve Islam & humanity.‎
    After the graduation ceremony, Dr Professor Moulana Noor Ahmed Shahtaz from the university of Karachi, Pakistan, then addressed the capacity crowd. ‎In his discourse, he described the perfect financial and judicial model Islam provides. He emphasised the need for Islamic scholars and congratulated the Darul Uloom on its tremendous achievments. 

    Darul Uloom Pretoria Graduation 2015.

    Professor Dr Noor Ahmed Shahtaz adresses the audience


    ‎After listening to recorded messages of support from Hazrat Allama Dr Kaukab Noorani Okarvi and his eminence, Hazrat Allama Peer Sayed Haseenudin Shah Saheb, the principal of Darul Uloom Pretoria, Muft Mohammamad AKbar Hazarvi, then thanked every attendee for their support following which the Salaami was read by former students of the institute.

    The final Dua was then made by the guest of honour, Allama Peer Sayed Muzamil Hussain Shah.  

    Darul Uloom Pretoria Graduation 2015.

    Peer Sayed Muzammil Hussain Shah made the final Dua


    See the full album. 

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    4 Comments on “Annual Graduation of Ulama & Huffaz 2015

    Fahima bibi Mohammed
    December 2, 2015 at 9:55 am

    Salaam…I would like to enroll my son I your school. Can you please forward more information…jazakallah

    No'maan Hazarvi
    December 29, 2015 at 12:00 pm

    Please Call 0027123741721 or email
    Apologies for the delay in a reply

    October 23, 2016 at 10:28 am

    I read your post and wished I’d wrteitn it

    September 7, 2017 at 10:50 pm



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