Darul Uloom Pretoria’s 18th Annual Fund Raising Dinner
Darul Uloom Pretoria, a prominent and world renowned South African centre for Higher Islamic Education based in Laudium, held its eighteenth annual fundraising dinner on Friday, the 26th of August 2016 at the Laudium Civic Centre.
The event was well attended with the centre being filled to capacity. Amongst the guests present were a large contingent of local Ulama and Imams of the various Masaajid in the locality.
The programme for the night was officiated by senior students of the Darul Uloom and began with an inspirational Qiraat recited by Rayhaan Mustafa, a fourth year Aalim course student. A melodious recitation of Na’at by a final year Aalim course student, Hafiz Furqaan Nikoria followed the Qiraat.
The recitation of the Na’at was followed by three short talks in Arabic, Urdu and English. These three languages are used as a medium of instruction at the Darul Uloom and are widely spoken in numerous countries.
Qasim Molefe, a final year Aalim course student eloquently delivered the Arabic talk. He expounded upon the position of knowledge in Islam pointing out that the first verse of the Holy Qur’an that was revealed was “Read in the Name of your Lord….” (Surah Rahman, Verse 1)
Shakir Ali, a final year Aalim course student delivered the Urdu lecture in which he reminded the audience of the pivotal status that the love for the Holy Prophet Muhammed SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam plays in relation to ones Imaan. He cited examples of the illustrious Awliya and their success in guiding the Ummah towards the love for the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam.
The English lecture was delivered by Mohammed Motaung, a first year Aalim course student. He beautifully described the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam as a saviour and liberator of mankind. He came at a time when humanity was at its lowest, a time when ignorance and abuse was the order of the day and his outstanding character trait was that he was truthful and upright. Mohammed also highlighted the role of Darul Uloom Pretoria in strengthening the hearts of people with the love of the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam.
After the short lectures were delivered by the students, the audience were addressed by the deputy principal of the Darul Uloom, Hafiz Mohammed Ismail Hazarvi who spoke of the twenty seven year journey of the institute and said that although there were pleasant times during that period, there were also times of trial and tribulations.
He said that the Darul Uloom had opened its doors in 1990 before the release of President Nelson Mandela from Polsmoor prison. By the time of the first democratic elections in 1994, Darul Uloom Pretoria was already an established seat of Islamic learning and was internationally recognised.
Speaking of the future, he spoke about collaboration with other centres of Higher Islamic education to have the qualifications of Darul Uloom graduates recognised as a post-graduate university degree.
The programme for the evening was concluded with the vote of thanks by the principal, Mufti Muhammed Akbar Hazarvi. He expressed his appreciation to the community for their continued support over the years whereafter a sumptuous meal was served.